
The export of power from the individual turbines takes place via the wind farm’s submarine cable grid. It operates at 33kV, to a 34/150kV substation located on an offshore platform inside the wind farm.

The main purpose of the offshore substation is to house the electrical high-voltage and medium-voltage components for transforming power. The power is supplied by the wind turbines at 33kV to 150kV for exporting to the onshore grid.

From the offshore substation two 150kV submarine cables are installed to the connection point of the 150kV onshore grid at the Heysham substation.
The offshore export cables connect the offshore substation to the onshore cables via a joint connection close to the shoreline. On shore the cable connects to an onshore substation in Heysham, where the transmission voltage is stepped up from 150kV to 400kV.

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